
The Firefighters Historical Society was formed in 1982 by a group of fire fighters with an interest in collecting and preserving material related to the fire service. Mayor William Norrie and city council, through resolutions authorizing the use of #2 fire station for museum purposes. This led to a direction to the finance committee to allocate funds to cover utilities, general maintenance and security within the building.

We are establishing a way to make the history of the fire department so interesting that you won’t only want to read it in your daily newspaper. You will want to research further to find out how those men and women of today and yesteryear did their jobs. Following the days of volunteers with horse drawn carriages and the tragic Christmas day loss of their new fire hall, to the powerful apparatus of today. The senior citizens that we speak to today remind us of seeing the magnificent horses running though the streets with the steam pouring behind them. The children of today will remember the sirens blaring, but neither will speak of the men and women behind the job. Today’s fire department functions with safety. In the past, safety was secondary. Men went into raging fires and were exploded back onto the street. These scenes were spectacular. The only thing that fought the fire was sheer courage. These sacrifices were made by the men of a day gone by, many of them were the forefathers of our City. They ventured in, blinded by the smoke, seared by the heat and fulfilled their duties without the protection of air masks and protective clothing.

This museum would not exist without the tremendous amount of support we received from the Winnipeg community.


Supporters of the museum who help archive photos and articles, run tours, and keep the history of firefighting in Winnipeg alive.

Fire safety

We care about the safety of our community. Here are some resources to help you stay safe.

Want to contribute?

We gratefully accept any donations, volunteers, and other community support. Become a contributor to the preservation of Winnipeg’s history today.

Your Donations Keep Our Engines Running

The Winnipeg Firefighters Museum aims to entertain and educate our visitors about the current processes and historical stories of the fire service. The museum relies on your donations in order to continue with the mission of the Winnipeg Firefighters Historical Society. Please follow the link below to make a secure, charitable donation.

Winnipeg Firefighters Museum
56 Maple Street / Honourary Firefighter Way
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
R3B 0Y8 

Charitable Registration # 119232957RR0001

Phone: (1) 204-942-4817

© 2019 The Firefighters Historical Society of Winnipeg | Reproduction of the site in part or in whole prohibited unless with written permission. All rights reserved.