

Oct. 1, 1946

3-platoon system is implemented, 46-hour week

Sept, 5, 1948

Artic Ice Company fire

Dec. 19, 1949

44-hour work week, giving fire fighters extra day off every second week.


All fire apparatus receive two-way radios.

New addition made to old No. 9 station at William Ave. W. and Cecil to become WFD repair shop.

Feb. 28, 1952

Furby Theatre fire


New fire station built on Watt St. for East Kildonan.

Mar. 3, 1954

The Manitoba & Imperial Hotels 4 businesses, 509-517 Main St. $87,713 in damage and losses

Mar. 30, 1954

Canoe Club of Winnipeg fire. $100,000 in damage

June 8, 1954

Time Building Fire, biggest and most memorable fire in Winnipeg history.


North Kildonan has a volunteer Fire Department.

Jan. 23, 1956

Minto Armouries fire

Apr. 1956

WFD gets first director of training with new training program.

May 25, 1956

CNR Fort Rouge Shops fire.

Sept. 12, 1965

Western Smallwares and Stationaries fire


Fire Prevention Division organized now with 14 members.

Fire Station No. 9 built at 664 Marion St.

Feb. 25, 1958

Wilson Furniture fire

June 20, 1959

Winnipeg gets first three digit emergency number for police, fire, and ambulance in North America – “Dial 999” (Eventually changed to 911).

Sept. 1959

Current Station No. 19 at 320 Whytewold Rd. opened as St. James No. 2.

Mar 1, 1960

4-platoon system was adopted, 42-hour workweek – two 10-hour days, two 14-hour night shifts in 8-week cycle.


WFD gets its first “snorkel” fire apparatus – that period’s newest advance in firefighting technology.


No.13 Station on Cathedral Ave. closed.

No. 6 Station built at 1501 Church Ave. Today it is now No. 17 Station.

Last Kildonan council decides a full-time fire dept. essential.


New and current No. 1 Station built at 65 Ellen St.

Apr. 30, 1965

After 50 years, Chief Arthur Martin retired from the St. Vital FD.  During his rein, the department grew from a bucket brigade to a modern department with 14 pieces of apparatus and 26 fire fighters.

Jan. 1966

YMCA Fire, -20 F.


Current station No. 10 at 1354 Border St. opened as St. James No. 3.

Mar. 9, 1968

St. Stephen’s – Broadway United Church fire

July 22 1968

Infamous St. Boniface Basilica fire – infamous because the spectators were so thick that the WFD couldn’t reach the scene to assist the under equipped St. Boniface FD in fighting the fire.

Nov 12, 1968

St. Andrew’s United Church on Elgin Ave. destroyed.

Have something to add?

If you are in possession of artifacts, documents, or photos relating to the fire fighting service, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and consider donating to our collection.

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The Winnipeg Firefighters Museum aims to entertain and educate our visitors about the current processes and historical stories of the fire service. The museum relies on your donations in order to continue with the mission of the Winnipeg Firefighters Historical Society. Please follow the link below to make a secure, charitable donation.

Winnipeg Firefighters Museum
56 Maple Street / Honourary Firefighter Way
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
R3B 0Y8 

Charitable Registration # 119232957RR0001

Phone: (1) 204-942-4817

© 2019 The Firefighters Historical Society of Winnipeg | Reproduction of the site in part or in whole prohibited unless with written permission. All rights reserved.