


St. Vital F.D. had 3 horse-drawn wagons and six men.

Sept. 1915

355 street corner fire alarm call boxes in use.

Jan. 11, 1916

Enderton Bldg burns on SW corner of Portage and Hargrave.

Feb. 15, 1917

Scott Bathgate Fire


Dept. goes on two-platoon system, no longer lived on job, 84-hour week.

West Kildonan gets a full-time department.


East Kildonan gets a 100-gallon horse drawn chemical wagon, first East Kildonan fire station at Munroe and Watt.

Feb. 1921

Dingwall Block fire. Due to weight of accumulating ice, Station No. 7’s aerial ladder snaps in half.


St. Boniface has a separate department of 31 men.

Jan. 23, 1922

Fashion Craft and Woolworth Store fire on Portage Ave. south side west of Garry.

Nov. 25, 1922

St. Boniface College fire; 10 dead, 18 injured.

Dec. 23, 1926

Winnipeg Theatre fire, 4 fire fighters killed, 10 injured.


East Kildonan gets a model ‘T’ Ford as first motorized vehicle.


Fire Prevention Bureau organized and had 3 members.

Apr. 14, 1928

Casa Loma Block fire at Sherbrook and Portage – some of WFD’s most dramatic rescues.

May 1, 1929

Fire fighters received one day off in seven.

Aug. 12, 1929

St. James fire fighters Alex Morrison and Federick Dolding killed when their truck turned over while responding to an alarm.

Sep. 1, 1929

Medway Court, Edmonton St. Fire kills 9 people.

May 16, 1930

Old Tribune Bldg. fire at 211 McDermot Ave.

June 11/12, 1930

Thorkelson Box Factory and Lumber Yards fire, $400,000 loss.


Last year horse-drawn hose wagon with sleigh runners used from No. 11 Stn.

Dec. 1936

450 street corner fire alarm call boxes in use


First one-way radios were installed in autos of district chief, deputy chief, and chief.

Late 1940’s

Two-way radios installed in all chiefs’ vehicles and the rescue squads.

Have something to add?

If you are in possession of artifacts, documents, or photos relating to the fire fighting service, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and consider donating to our collection.

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The Winnipeg Firefighters Museum aims to entertain and educate our visitors about the current processes and historical stories of the fire service. The museum relies on your donations in order to continue with the mission of the Winnipeg Firefighters Historical Society. Please follow the link below to make a secure, charitable donation.

Winnipeg Firefighters Museum
56 Maple Street / Honourary Firefighter Way
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
R3B 0Y8 

Charitable Registration # 119232957RR0001

Phone: (1) 204-942-4817

© 2019 The Firefighters Historical Society of Winnipeg | Reproduction of the site in part or in whole prohibited unless with written permission. All rights reserved.