
Hose Wagons

As the steamers, such as the Alex Logan, had no capacity to carry hose, they were accompanied by one or more hose wagons. Hose wagons were built by local wagon builders, and remained on the department roster for many years. Hose Wagon No. 11 is typical of the units acquired during the early 1900’s. It was pulled by two horses, and carried approximately 1200 feet of hose. During the winter months, Winnipeg often has enormous amounts of snow. The wheels of the hose wagons were often replaced with sleigh runners, permitting them to glide through the streets.

In 1910, the city began replacing the horse-drawn hose wagons with motorized units. By 1929, all of the Winnipeg Fire Department’s first line apparatus (units that have personnel assigned to them), were motorized. By 1935, Hose Wagon No. 11 was the last horse-drawn in the department’s inventory, but the horses that pulled it, Bobbie and Rosie, had been sold to a farm the year before.


In 1910, the department roared into the motor era, purchasing a 50 horsepower Webb hose wagon. It had neither a siren or a flashing light. Instead, just like the horse drawn hose wagons, it had a gong that was operated by the driver’s foot. Some of the early vehicles also had exhaust whistles, which emitted a high pitched sound. Despite the bells and whistles, the most effective warning device was the truck itself. Without a muffler, it generated enough noise to ensure that everyone knew it was coming: often blocks before its arrival.

Make & Model

Serial #

In Service

Additional notes


Horsepower 50 – 4 cylinders Gasoline


Purchased 15/12/1910

Hose Capacity 2000 ft. 2 1/2″ Cotton rubber lined hose 
Cost $4690.00 
Agent Robert S. Bickle 305 Mc Intyre Block 
Manufacturer, Webb Motor Fire Apparatus Co. Vincennes Indiana USA 
Disposed 1923 replaced by LaFrance 2nd. MHW  #1 Reg. 4196


Horsepower 50 – 4 cylinders Gasoline


Purchased 12/06/1912

Hose Capacity 2200 ft 2 1/2″ Cotton rubber lined hose 
Cost $5200.00 
Agent-R. S. Bickle [as above] 
Manufacturer, Webb Motor Fire Apparatus Co. St. Louis Missouri USA 
Disposed 1924 replaced by GMC 2nd. MHW #2 Reg. No. 1988813


Horsepower 50 – 4 cylinders Gasoline


Purchased 12/06/1912

Hose Capacity 2200 ft 2 1/2″ Cotton rubber lined hose
Cost $5200.00
Agent-R. S. Bickle [as above]
Manufacturer, Webb Motor Fire Apparatus Co. St. Louis Missouri USA
Disposed 1923 replaced by LaFrance- 2nd. MHW #3 Reg. 4197


Horsepower 60 – 4 cylinders Gasoline


Purchased 17/12/1912

Hose Capacity 1800 ft. 2 1/2″ Cotton rubber lined hose & 6 men 
Cost $5500.00 
Agent-Darwin Motor Truck Co. Imperial Garage Osborne Pl. 
Manufacturer Commercial Cars Ltd. England 
New York branch 460 west 129 Street. 
Disposed May 23, 1928 for $65.00 to Wpg. Wrecking97


Horsepower 60 – 6 cylinders Gasoline


Purchased 10/12/1912

Hose Capacity 
Cost $5665.00 
Agent-Boyce Carriage Co. 325-331 Elgin & 316-324 Ross 
Manufacturer Kissel Motor Car Co. Hartford, Wisconsin, USA 
Traded June 23, 1930 to Breen Motor Co. 
as part payment for REO at $2150.00


Horsepower 60 – 4 cylinders Gasoline


Purchased 13/05/1914

Hose Capacity 2000 ft. 2 1/2″ Cotton rubber lined hose 
Cost $5625.00 
Agent-Darwin Motor Truck Co. 
Manufacturer same as # 4 MHW. 
Disposed May 23, 1928 for #65.00 to Wpg. Wrecking Co.




Purchased 13/05/1914

Hose Capacity 2000 ft. 2 1/2″ Cotton rubber lined hose
Cost $5625.00
Agent-Darwin Motor Truck Co.
Manufacturer same as # 4 MHW.
Disposed Feb. 9, 1928 for $50.00 with engine


Horsepower – 6 cylinders Gasoline



Purchased 03/08/1920

Hose capacity 1000 ft 3 1/2 High Pressure, Cotton rubber lined hose. 
Cost $10,762 
Agent-Waterous Engine Works Co Ltd. 157 Higgins Wpg. 
Manufacturer The Seagrave Co. 
Disposed 1947 with the purchase of 3rd. MHW #5 Diamond T


Horsepower – 6 cylinders Gasoline



Purchased 03/08/1920

Hose capacity 1000 ft 3 1/2 High Pressure, Cotton rubber lined hose.
Cost $10,762
Agent-Waterous Engine Works Co Ltd. 157 Higgins Wpg.
Manufacturer The Seagrave Co.
Disposed 1947 replaced by 1947 MHW #6 Diamond T


Horsepower – 6 cylinders Gasoline



Purchased 03/08/1920

Hose capacity 1000 ft 3 1/2 High Pressure, Cotton rubber lined hose.
Cost $10,762
Agent-Waterous Engine Works Co Ltd. 157 Higgins Wpg.
Manufacturer The Seagrave Co.
Disposed 1947 replaced by 1947 MHW #6 Diamond T


Horsepower ? – 6 Cylinders Gasoline



Purchased 02/01/1923

Hose Capacity 1200 ft. 2 1/2 Cotton rubber, lined hose 
Cost unknown cost for 2 Hose Wagons, 
1 Pumper and 1-2 wheeled tractor 
For conversion of Aerial No 3 from Horse drawn to Motor, $38,700.00


Horsepower ? – 6 Cylinders Gasoline



Purchased 02/01/1923

Hose Capacity 1200 ft. 2 1/2 Cotton rubber, lined hose 
Cost unknown cost for 2 Hose Wagons, 
1 Pumper and 1-2 wheeled tractor 
For conversion of Aerial No 3 from Horse drawn to Motor, $38,700.00




Purchased 1927

Disposed or converted to the Foamite Wagon approximately 1936.

#6 G.M.C.



Purchased 1928

#2 G.M.C.



Purchased 1928

Was at station No. 9 in 1929 and 1940



Purchased 1925

Converted from Tractor on Ladder Truck 1930




Purchased 09/06/1930

Size 2 Ton Truck 
Cost $2150.00 with Trade-in of MHW #5 Kissel/Commer 
Was at No. 11 Station in 1940

1937 Diamond T

This vehicle was first on duty as #2’s Squad Wagon and covered a great portion of the west-end and all of the south end. It was replaced at #2 station with the first Booster Pump in about 1945.

It was sent to # 3 Station shortly after Capt. Mackay retired in 1945 to replace MHW #3 because he would not let the Chief dispose of the old wagon while he was Captain.

It later became the spare High Pressure when #3 Station got their first Pump in 1950.



Purchased 1933

First purchased as a Rescue in 1933 
Converted to a hose wagon in 1936. 
Later converted to a Deluge Wagon


Purchased 1937

Museum piece


Purchased 1938


Purchased 1947

Built as a High Pressure by the Repair Shop to replace MHW #8


Purchased 1947

Built as a High Pressure by the Repair Shop to replace MHW #8

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Winnipeg Firefighters Museum
56 Maple Street / Honourary Firefighter Way
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
R3B 0Y8 

Charitable Registration # 119232957RR0001

Phone: (1) 204-942-4817

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